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Phoenix Homeowners often have questions and misconceptions about backyard ponds when it comes to algae, temperature, plants, fish, frogs, etc. This could be because they’ve never lived with a pond in Phoenix before, or because they grew up with a “pond” in the Midwest but it was quite different than what they see in Phoenix backyards.

Some concerns might include:

  • A pond is always green and slimy
  • Isn’t it too hot for the plants, fish, and frogs?
  • Why is there algae?


These are not uncommon questions and concerns from folks unfamiliar with organic water gardening. Unlike lawns and pools, the care of organic ponds is not common knowledge for most of us. Very few of us grew up with a constructed backyard pond, or knew anyone that had one. And if we did, it’s unlikely that they were practicing organic water gardening, specifically. The Pond Gnome makes it our mission to educate our clients in all aspects of ecosystem ponding.


Since we don’t freeze here in Phoenix, we get algae, which is basically just a weed that grows while the aquatic plants are in their dormant phase, or before they have fully matured enough to starve out the algae.

Basically, we are working with the same processes as are used in organic vegetable gardening, and even hydroponics systems. We follow Mother Nature’s recipe for successful pond management, and algae is a necessary part of the life cycle of an organic pond. Without producers on the bottom of the pond life pyramid, forming the foundation, no other life could persist.  While some humans may not find algae aesthetic appealing, the aquatic life needs it and loves it. It’s part of the food chain in an ecosystem.


The depth of the water is not necessarily directly connected to the temperature of the water. As long as water is moving, aerating, and being shaded at least in part by plants, etc., nothing is in danger of boiling. In fact, you might notice that this is the time of year that aquatic plants grow most aggressively and the fish do their breeding. These activities would not be taking place in a dangerous environment. And keep in mind that the water temperature of a pond follows nighttime temps closer than daytime temps.


As to the fish, plants, and frogs –as with most teenagers– leave them alone, they like it! The most common mistake that most new pond owners make is the constant effort of trying to make their fish ponds look like their spa (which SHOULD have sterile water by design). This is why we often hear that “ponds are just too much work,” when, really, people are over-maintaining things. When a pond is designed & built properly, worth with Mother Nature makes a pond a whole lot easier to maintain than an average lawn.

Think that’s too good to be true? Check out what our clients have to say.

Serving Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Arizona (AZ) & Surrounding Areas

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